Sunday, January 9, 2011

Day 6!

Well my headache finally went away! YAY! I was feeling better by Friday. We had friends and family over Sat. for game night, I didn't make a pig out of myself but ate a few different things. Monday will be the 1 week mark!

I am thinking about trading regular soda for diet or, I heard coke zero is pretty good, maybe I will try that. i got a book called cook yourself thin, and they have some interesting recipes in it, I think we will be trying some of those. They have desserts, that you add veggies too, I guess that makes them better for you. We will see!

Here's to 1 week!

Thursday, January 6, 2011

Day 3 Sucked!

This no caffeine thing is killing me! I have had a headache for the past 3 days! Last night it got so bad it made me sick! I think I may have started this way wrong. I have cut way back on caffeine and am in taking about 1/2 of the amount of calories I was taking in. My body is having a very bad reaction to it! My head has been pounding so bad the past three days, I have been completely useless to my family. There has to be a better way than this!

Maybe weaning back is the way to go!

Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Diet day 2!

Diet day 2!

Well yesterday went well, sort of! I ate a good breakfast, snacked on a apple and ate a small lunch. After lunch I was going to try my new Zumba for the WII, I was excited to give it a try... babies and 4 year old were down for a nap.... well the WII would not read the discs! :( Boo! I am hoping Hubby will be able to fix it today. I need to get a treadmill! We had lasagna for dinner which is not very health y but my 12 year old has been asking for it for weeks! But I skipped the bread, and had a small portion. I also did not go back for seconds! YA me! It was so good and I really wanted seconds. I have a love affair with food, for sure! I love it! The kids had brownies for dessert, I had 1/2 of one! I drank one can of soda, other than that I had water all day...... This is way better than I used to be. I would say on a good day before I would drink 4 to 5 sodas a day! Crazy I know! ...... Though I have to say, besides the MAJOR headache I had all day and night ( I would say from lack of caffeine) It will get better.

So day 1 no exercise!

I do need to will myself to get on the scale and weigh myself, right! I mean if your trying to lose weight than you should know were you are starting from. Scary thought! I am not a big fan of scales. Come to think of it, I have not been on one since I was 6 weeks postpartum from having the twins, and I only did it then cause the nurse at the Dr.'s office made me. I don't think I looked though! :) I know while I was pregnant with any of my children, I never looked at the scale when they weighed me, who wants to see that right! ..... Come to think of it, that's probably what 1/2 my problem has been. I have a scale in my bathroom, I just walk by it everyday and never give it a second look. I guess you can keep being in denial, keep your head in the sand if you never come face to face with the reality. Who really wants to know what they weigh, especially when they are over weight. So today, I am going to make myself get on the scale and look! Not to set a goal weight, but to know where I am starting from and to see how much I have lost in the end!

So on to day 2!
Breakfast today will be a dropped egg on wheat toast. My goal today is to exercises and drink lots of water!
Have a good day everyone!

I am in need of some healthier lunches and dinners ( dinners have to be good for a family of 8) say one have any good ones let me know. And I will surely try them and let you know!

One day down to a skinnier healthier me!

Monday, January 3, 2011

Today my diet begins! My very own Cinderella pact!

OK, so lets break it down! I have 6 kids, which for me means 5 pregnancies. My kids have been for the most part around 2 years apart.... my kiddos now are 12, 8, almost 7, 4 and twins who are 21 months old! So for the past 8 years I have been pregnant, becoming pregnant or nursing. I have lived by the philosophy that I would not worry too much about the baby weight I had gained, cause I new I would be having another baby very soon. Total excuse I know! Now that my family is complete and I have weaned my youngest ones.... its time for me to get my body back! NO EXCUSES!!
With 6 kids, you do not spend a lot of time in front of a mirror ( at least I do not), I have berried myself in raising my family and being a good Mom and a good wife. Not really focusing on myself. And well lets face it, eating no so healthy it quick, easy and cheaper. I'm one of those Moms, that watches what her kids eat and drink, but with myself it is a whole different story. At least it has been, till now. I am making the change! For me!
I am not setting a "goal" weight, I know I will never look like I did before I had kids, but that is not important to me. I want to like going out and buying clothes for myself again! I want to feel great when I put on a dress! I want to wear heels again! ( not all the time, I do love my mommy comfy look too) :) I want to not be tired all the time. I want to be able to keep up with my kids and not get out of breath! I think I can do it!
Staring this blog, makes it real for me. I am also hoping to get the support and encouragement I need to make this change in my life! I figure if I make myself write about it, then I will be less likely to not stick to it!

Here we go, time to get my body back!

* Day one exercises and cutting way back on the soda, here I come! * Wish me luck!